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Dear TKA Familes,

The school year barrels towards us. Many of our children have already returned to secular schools or are doing so this week. A new school year bring many things - new friends, new emotions, new beginnings. Our Religious School is no exception.


We have been overwhelmed by our school’s success. In the past  few years, we have successfully held several fundraisers, acquired and managed a library to be proud of, seen the bar mitzvah of four young men and the bat mitzvah of four young women - many of whom are still vital, active members of our community, serving as lay leaders, Hebrew tutors, mitzvah organizers, and even shofar blowers. We have organized and held several programs, both community and school driven - Tu B’Shevat and Pesach Seders, Purim Schpiel and Celebration, and Thanksgivingukkah, just to name a few.


Our students, some of which had never set foot in a shul before, now have a mastery of Jewish life cycles and rituals, a firm understanding of Torah and b’rachot, and a beginning grasp of Hebrew. What’s more, the students of Temple Kol Ami no longer feel isolated and alone. Our students are now a part of a bigger community. They are gaining the tools they need to successfully identify as “Jews” in our modern Southern world.


These impressive accomplishments have not only benefitted our students, but our community, as well. We have realized great feedback and an even greater demand for our school this year. Our teachers are, at this moment, planning their year with two great initiatives in mind - Discover Judaism and Jewish Identity. We are not your traditional Sunday school. And we thrive on the fact that we have never attempted to put a square peg into a round hole. Today’s Jewish religious school students need more. Modern students need modern environment and progressive learning. This year, we will provide just that.


This school year will focus on Jewish Discovery and Identity. And, to meet this need and the increasing demand for our school and our teachers, our fee schedule changes this year. We are realizing a slight increase to our Temple Kol Ami members at $324 (chai squared!) per student and, for the first time, we are opening the doors to non-members at $560 per student. These modest tuition increases will allow for better resources to our students, our families, and our teachers.


Since the inception of our TKA School, we have been surrounded by ruach - spirit - from our committed families and students and out of our amazing community.  I am often incredulous about what we have achieved in such a short time. It’s because of you. And, because of you, and our continued partnership and passion for Jewish education, a new generation of Jewish students, and therefore Jewish adults, will thrive and pay that same passion forward for years to come.


L’ Shalom,
Michelle Silva,

Temple Kol Ami and Religious School 

Letter to Parents and Community 

Coming Up... 

Upcoming Events

November 18 - TKA is hosting a special Friendsgiving Shabbat at the Community Center in Baxter Village, 3187 Colonel Springs Way, Fort Mill. There will be a short service followed by a festive meal. TKA will provide the entree and asks that guests bring a side to share. 

November 20 - Family Thanksgiving Kehillah & Parent Meeting. Please join our faculty and students as we share Thanksgiving themed Kehillah service to begin our day. Immediately following Kehillah, we will hold a brief parent meeting to discuss our upcoming student-led Shabbat service. 

November 27 - No School 

December 2-4  - Shabbaton Weekend  TKA will host Rabbi Ana Bonnheim for an exciting weekend of fellowship and education. Please visit the TKA website for more details.  

December 16 - Student Led Shabbat Service Please join our wonderful students as they lead the congregation at our special Chanukah - themed Shabbat Service. We will enjoy a pizza preneg at 6:30PM . Services will begin at 7:00 PM in the Historic Sanctuary at Unity Presbyterian. Oneg to follow at the conclusion of services. 

December 18 - School Chanukah Celebration

Deember 25 and January 1 - No School. We will resume classes on January 8, 2017.

News & Events

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